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Founded on March 5, 2018, Sentients Magazine delivers exceptional coverage on the flesh-and-blood stars that inform our widening perceptions of our place in the cosmos.

How We Get Out Pictures


Of course, we do not solely rely on our crackerjack photographers, such as the inestimable Philip Buckingham. Before the Super Dimensional Fortress One lifted off in 2009, robocams became one of the most ubiquitous everyday devices of the 2000s. The robocam was the descendant of military invention “Robby,” the two-legged recon robot that had been in use during the late 1990s. After meeting briefly with companies wanting to capitalize on the technological discoveries of the SDF-1, Dr. Emil Lang sent them away once he shared information on how to adapt Robby for the private sector, with the promise that they never approach the Robotech Defense Force with their requests again. Thus, the robocam was born.

The unassuming robocam in its natural habitat, your local park.

The robocam pestered anyone in a park and other outdoor venues as much as its cousin, the robo soda vendor. While the public was familiar with the robocam for commercial use, our sources discovered that the authorities have used robocams for unannounced surveillance of members in a population. In fact, we have intercepted transmissions from these robocams to obtain many of our photos.  


In time, surveillance took a leap forward as a result of raids on Zentraedi Malcontent camps during the Uprisings. While paraphernalia was gathered

by both the Robotech Defense Force and the Army of the Southern Cross, a

few inventions of the Malcontents somehow were soon found on the black

market. The prototype "Malcontent mosquito" device was altered into a remote-controlled flying camera for paparazzi. 

An artist's depiction of the Malcontent

mosquito's original intended purpose: to spread the Madness plague. 

An Uprisings invention that actually produced high incidence of the Madness plague was the cutting-edge, Malcontent-modified, airborne microbots, or "Malbots." However, in the following months after the end of the Malcontent Uprisings, not only were vaccines created to protect the public against the possibility of Madness outbreaks, but also rogue engineers profited by turning Malbots from plague carriers to a paparazzo's dream, or "papbots." 

Malbots to papbots: an invention that went from serving evil to serving...not-so-evil?  

Sentients Magazine sources have discovered use of papbots at various locations on Earth, as well as on the Robotech Factory Satellite and its shuttles. The Robotech Research Center may develop a countermeasure for papbots, but until then, we will continue to use our resources to access pictures found on these devices, along with uncovering rare footage and photos taken on security cameras and microcameras surreptitiously placed by tabloids. The post-War Full Disclosure Act has made certain varieties of media coverage possible with impunity. Besides, we aren't the ones releasing papbot particle clouds or leaving microcameras in off-limits places, Veritech cockpits, and more. The United Earth Government authorities really want to get their hands on those guys. 


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